All seniors interested in a leadership position, read carefully below:
Visit and enter Class ID 7519122 and password: hghsnhs to submit your application essay. In it, be sure to include the position for which you are applying. See below for an overview of the responsibilities associated with each title.
Your deadline is Thursday, 1/16 at 7:00 a.m. Plan to attend a mandatory interview during lunch on Thursday in room 3220. Email should you have questions/concerns.
- President: works
closely with faculty advisor on all events, runs
all mandatory meetings, elegates
responsibility to other members, responsible
for blog updates and advertising
- Vice
President: works
closely with president, may
need to fill in for president at meetings, etc., coordinates
a minimum of 2 service projects for the year, maintains
records of hours of service outside of NHS
- Secretary: keeps
track of meeting attendance and member eligibility & compliance, prepares
and submits monthly club reports, maintains
records, including meeting minutes
- Treasurer: responsible
for approving all requisitions for spending & fundraising, keeps
track of NHS account/budget, collects
member dues and other fees
- Community
Service Coordinator: responsible for
school tutoring program schedule, maintains
records of hours of service with NHS, submits
documentation of hours served to Activities Director
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